Often been surprised by a movie after what a film critic said about it? Ever felt cheated out of big bucks on the recommendations of a punk 24-year-old? Or really loved the ones they panned? Well, you no longer need to feel out of step with the current movie review band. Different Drummer is for you. Read more about our take on the film world. And get ready to relive your favorite movies with the recipes that follow each review. You can find many other great recipes in Different Drummer’s own Appetite for Murder: a Mystery Lover’s Cookbook, too.
The Taking of Pelham 123: Banana Milk Shake Recipe 🥁🥁🥁
/The Train: French “Pot in the Fire” Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/Forget all of Hollywood's hyped heist films and see one based on the real thing. John Frankenheimer’s 1964 film starring the legendary Burt Lancaster is about a real life World War II heist with real men and real machines. Two men of iron will fight for control of an iron horse -- a steam engine loaded with France’s art treasures headed for a quick getaway over the German border.
Read MoreSource Code: Baked Apple-Cinnamon French Toast Recipe 🥁🥁🥁1/2
/The Serpent's Tooth Sunday Suppers: Homemade Tamale Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/It’s Cinco de Mayo and what better side dish than Homemade Tamales from Different Drummer’s novel, The Serpent’s Tooth: A Texas Mystery , which ends with a glorious outdoor feast.
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Murder on the Orient Express: Sole Marguery in Wine Sauce Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁1/2
/North by Northwest: New York Sour Cocktail Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/Arguably Hitchcock’s popular and critical masterpiece, this film has it all. Cary Grant is magnificent as the wrongly accused man on the run, handling his dire straights with dry humor and nonchalance. The action set pieces are riveting and so superior to the CGI we typically get today. While the romantic banter has a verbal wit we seem to have forgotten on screen.
Read MoreThe Railway Man: Singapore Fried Noodles Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁
/Captain America for the senior set – British version. Not the clichéd variety, where aging action heroes or even Masterpiece Theater legends kick butt right up there with the rest of them. This film is about forgiving your enemy not conquering him.
Read MoreShadow of a Doubt: Easy and Elegant Canapé Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/See it again or for the first time to discover why Hitchcock bests them all, especially in what is purportedly his favorite film. Maybe because he embeds evil in such an innocent lair.
Read MoreThe Girl on the Train: Delicious Deviled Egg Recipe 🥁🥁🥁
/1883: A Yellowstone Origin Film: Bacon Cheesy Fried Grits Recipe 🥁 🥁 🥁 ½
/Rattlesnakes, arrows dipped in manure, cattle rustlers, drunken rapists, tornadoes, and a group of hard-headed humans at each other’s throats. Sit back and enjoy the mayhem as you count your blessings.
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Hell or High Water:Texas Chicken-Fried Steak Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/Wind River: Old-Fashioned Frybread Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁1/2
/Quigley Down Under: Aussie Meat Pie Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁
/The Man from Snowy River: Aussie Marinated Steak Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁1/2
/Escape from our weary world for the adventure of a lifetime. This epic Australian film from over 4 decades ago has it all. Romance, music and scenery to die for, and arguably the best and most thrilling horse chase in film history. I will never forget it, and neither did others who have seen it.
Read MoreTrue Grit: Yaller Bread with Pintos Recipe 🥁🥁🥁1/2
/Red River: Cowboy Coffee and Chuck Wagon Recipes: 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/In his first Western Director Howard Hawks captures the Wild West in a profound way. It’s not shootouts at the OK corral, but a desperate Texas cattle baron who will do whatever it takes to survive. If that means branding over a neighbor’s cows, shooting gunslingers who dispute his right to the land, or even horsewhipping his own cowboys and threatening to hang deserters, then so be it.
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