The Ipcress File: Champignon Sauce Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁

This classic British thriller has the nitty gritty stuff of Cold War spy stories – tedious stakeouts, dark hallways, rain-polished streets, and a bureaucracy almost as deadly as the enemy. Meet Michael Caine’s Harry Palmer, the anti-James Bond, who even with his cockney accent and horn-rimmed glasses is every bit as sexy as his better-known rival. And did I mention that he can cook, too?

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The Third Man: Café Vienna Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

The Third Man: Café Vienna Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

Savor what may be the most perfect film ever made. This Orson Welles/Joseph Cotton collaboration tops their earlier one, Citizen Kane, even though that one still gets the lion’s share of attention. Love, intrigue, treachery, and betrayal - it literally drips in atmosphere, never sacrificing the great story it has to tell to its dramatic brilliance and avant-garde film techniques.

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The Fighter: Cheddar and Bacon Potato Skin Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁1/2

In one sense The Fighter is the story of real life “Irish” Micky Ward’s hard scrabble climb to the 1997 welterweight championship, complete with busted lips, black eyes, and bruised ribs along the way. But the fights in the ring pale in comparison to the internecine knockouts that occur within his outrageously dysfunctional family, not to mention those pitting his feisty redhead against his mother and seven sisters.

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