House of Games: Classic Waldorf Salad Recipe 🥁🥁🥁

This classic 1987 offbeat Mamet vehicle is more like a game of chess than a film, where you are guaranteed a series of astonishing moves and counter moves. Our queen is a beautiful psychotherapist, aloof and repressed as only an analyst could be, and our knight a charming con man, one who sees deeper into her soul than she suspects.

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Shutter Island: Prison Peanut Butter Sundae Recipe 🥁🥁🥁1/2

This film is Gothic with a capital G. A remote island prison for the criminally insane, its loony residents just slightly more alarming than the icily polite psychiatrist who runs the place. And then there’s the raging storm that shuts off the electricity and strands the two marshals there searching for a missing patient.

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August: Osage County: Blackened Catfish Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

If you don’t like the heat, stay out of the kitchen, or any of the stifling, airless rooms in this Oklahoma farmhouse. And don’t sit down for the patriarch’s funeral dinner, either, unless you like the sound of crashing casserole dishes – ­mere cannon volley in the background of the real war going on at the table. But then you’d miss possibly the finest film of 2013.

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A Walk Among the Tombstones: Spicy Cheese and Pepper Omelet Recipe 🥁🥁🥁1/2

Liam Neeson brings us under his spell once again, this time playing an ex-NYPD cop who now works as an unlicensed private investigator. His eyes say he has seen it all – every depraved and vile crime in New York’s mean streets – but this one is unlike anything Matt Scudder has seen before.

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No Country for Old Men: Texas Venison Chili Recipe 🥁🥁🥁

This overrated 2008 Best Picture winner does have its brilliance in a cold, soulless way. The plot itself – a drug deal gone bad, a hapless deer hunter who finds the leftover cash, and his relentless pursuit by some of the bad guys not left rotting in the desert – is not particularly innovative, but the earthy way it unfolds is riveting.

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Australia: Tim Tam Cheesecake Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁1/2

This sweeping epic is what the big screen was made for – a country of austere beauty, its cruelty and benevolence as capricious as the rough souls that inhabit it. Unabashedly bold, brash, and romantic, the saga stampedes across the screen with nary a nod to nihilism or nuance, pausing only to tip its hat to a bit of self-aware irony.

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