Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Luke Skywalker Blue Milk Cocktail Recipe

“The Force. It’s calling to you.” So get aboard your nearest time warp to “a time long ago in a galaxy far, far away” for the film that saves Christmas. Now you can forget about all those dour Oscar bait flicks about to lay siege to us December 25, and allow yourself to tear the gift wrap off this early Christmas package.

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Avatar: Screaming Banshee Cocktail Recipe

Avatar: Screaming Banshee Cocktail Recipe
This breath-taking spectacle works best as superlative eye candy, a high tech version of a Saturday cartoon, complete with cardboard villains, flawless heroes, and a storyline built on “standard-issue counterculture clichés.” But this bigger than life Sci Fi Fantasy is such a delightful lark, such a soaring adventure, you might not even notice it’s really just another end of the world flick wrapped in a prettier package than its doomsday companions.
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Coraline: Sautéed Swiss Chard Recipe

Ghoulish charm and creepy playfulness permeate this sparkling animation about a lonely girl who learns the real meaning of “too good to be true.” It also measures out a healthy dose of domestic common sense, though it is neither preachy nor direct, as well as a good bit of dark-humored irony more tuned to the adults than the young people in the audience.

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The Avengers: Let’s Do Shawarma Recipe

The mega-opening of Marvel’s The Avengers blasts down on us like an early heat wave, ushering in summer hyper thrills even if the calendar disagrees. And what a package of men in tights, spangles, “their mother’s drapes” and retro Black Sabbath t-shirts they are, even if more than half of their energies and egos are directed at their own dysfunctional family of superheroes instead of the emerald robed Loki intent on taking over the world.

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Bride and Prejudice: Lamb and Potato Hash

Bride and Prejudice: Lamb and Potato Hash
Remember those good old days some fifty years ago, when being in love, heartbroken, or angry with the neighborhood cop, was merely an excuse to break into song? In Bollywood’s Bride and Prejudice you get that same exuberance, that same fantasy world where a perfectly tuned orchestra, chorus, and dancers are available at the drop of a hat, or should we say veil.
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